NLP: What Is It and How Does One Come to Learn How to Use It Effectively?

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Neuro-linguistic programming enables one to connect deeply with a person's thought pattern, communication style, and emergence through different developmental phases in order to achieve personal and professional success. 

Today, coaches, therapists, leaders, and even regular people in simple interactions use NLP to bring about desirable changes in patterns of thinking and behaving. In this article, we shall discuss what NLP is and how one may learn about and effectively apply it.

What is NLP?

Neuro-linguistic programming is a methodology that researches the interconnection between neurological processes, more or less than the mind language, and behavioural patterns learned through experience and thus programmed. 

Through NLP, one will learn to reprogram one's mind to think more positively, communicate better with others, and eliminate unconstructive limitations that interfere with success in life.

It was developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They studied how successful people achieve great results in communication, personal growth, and behaviour. They developed the NLP techniques themselves, starting by analysing the thinking styles, beliefs, and language patterns of high achievers. Therefore, people can easily apply them in their respective lives and replicate such success.

Key Components of NLP

Neuro: Pertains to how our brains process information and how our senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell combine to enable various ways of viewing the world.

Linguistics: Enables research on how we use language to create our reality and communicate with others. It consists of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Programming: Involves the patterns of behaviour and thought processes that we have learned through our lives and that determine how we react to any given situation. Through NLP, a person seeks to reprogram those patterns into more useful ones.

How NLP Works

NLP relies on a few key principles of operation:

Modelling Excellence: Involves observing and analysing the thoughts and behaviours of successful people. Through NLP, one can model or imitate these strategies in one's own life.

Submodalities: NLP further breaks down our sensory experiences into even finer details, such as brightness, size, and distance, of a visual submodality to help change the way memories or situations are perceived.

Anchoring: NLP uses "anchors" to activate positive emotional states, particularly those that occur when one smells or hears something, such as a song, that reminds one of a certain place in time. Anchoring is a technique for associating positive feelings with specific actions or cues.

Reframing: NLP teaches people to change their perspective on problems or challenges by framing them differently, which actually means in a more positive way. This makes it possible for people to turn obstacles into opportunities.

How to Learn NLP Effectively

It is tough to learn NLP; it requires great devotion and practice. 

Here is a run-through of some of the effective ways of learning NLP:

  • Enroll in an NLP Training Program

This is the most formalised and comprehensive method of learning NLP through an accredited course. Courses are generally designed to be undertaken at three successive levels: NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, and NLP Trainer. Training programs provide practical training, expert mentorship, and in-depth learning of NLP principles.

NLP Practitioner Certification: Provides basic beginner skills in some areas of NLP, including communication skills, behavioural modelling, and personal growth techniques.

NLP Master Practitioner: A higher-level training that looks in-depth at more detailed NLP techniques and their application for either coaching, therapy, or personal transformation.

NLP Trainer: The one intended for the master of NLP to teach others as a certified trainer.

Ensure the program you choose is accredited by a recognised organisation like the International Coaching Federation or any other reputable NLP certifying body.

  • Read Books on NLP and Other Resources

The various influential books on NLP can be the perfect grounding in learning principles and techniques. Recommended reading of some famous books on NLP would be:

"The Structure of Magic" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

"Frogs into Princes" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder

"NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming" by Tom Hoobyar, Tom Dotz and Susan Sanders

These resources will give valuable insight into the theory and practice of NLP and are a great starting point.

  • Putting NLP Techniques to Real-Life

NLP is best learned through practice. Once you have familiarised yourself with some of the basic principles, put them into your life.

Anchoring: Anchoring is accomplished by anchoring an action. An example could be pressing your thumb and forefinger together to a certain state of mind, such as confidence. Try doing this every time you need that little extra oomph of positivity.

Refocusing: If one particular situation seems to be in the way, refocus on it with a question like, "What can I learn from this?" or "How does this help me in the future?" The question changes the perspective into a more positive outlook.

Rapport Building: involves mirroring body language, tone of voice, or pattern of speech to create rapport and foster better communication and relationships.

  • NLP Workshops and Seminars

Workshops and seminars provide the most intensive experiences from knowledgeable NLP practitioners. Most are designed to be interactive, providing demonstrations and allowing real-time practice of several NLP techniques. Attending such events may also help you network with other NLP learners and practitioners and enrich your learning experience.

  • Work on NLP with a Coach

An NLP coach can give you personal insight into how NLP techniques could be applied in the pursuit of your goals or overcoming any challenges. An NLP coach could assist any client with problems ranging from improving communication or building confidence to completely eradicating a limiting belief. One-on-one sessions will give you the opportunity to practice NLP in a supportive, structured environment.

How to Effectively Apply NLP

NLP is all about getting to know in time to be applied successfully in most life areas. 

Here is how NLP can be applied to specified contexts: personal development, extricating bad habits, and instilling new, empowering beliefs using the contact, reframing, and goal-setting process. NLP can help you overcome personal challenges as well as tap into your potential to achieve your dreams.

Improved Communication Skill: Probably the most valuable aspect of NLP is realising how language forms our perceptions and interactions with others. Given this, mastering these effective communication techniques with NLP enables one to establish rapport even faster, be more influential, and resolve conflicts with more ease.

Coaching and Therapy: The best coaches and therapists worldwide use NLP to help clients overcome certain limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and unproductive behaviours. As an NLP practitioner, you may facilitate processes that help clients identify new strategies for success.

Leadership and Team Building: NLP techniques go a long way in leadership development and team building. NLP assists leaders in communicating better, understanding team dynamics, and motivating their teams to higher performance levels.

Sales and Negotiation: NLP in Sales could be deployed to build rapport, understand the client's needs, and pitch your product or offering more relevantly. Techniques like mirroring and anchoring may improve one's persuasion and influence in sales or negotiation.


Understanding the operation of the human mind and reprogramming unconstructive patterns are the keys to unlocking new levels of personal and professional success. NLP can help you have a multi-purpose tool that will definitely change the way you think, communicate, and achieve results. Whether you want to elevate your career, improve your relationships, or simply develop on a personal level, NLP will find strategies that guarantee success.

For real mastery in NLP, training in a certified course will get you into the habit of practising these techniques and applying them to all facets of life. If you are ready to learn and explore more, we recommend the NLP Practitioner Certification Course by Mental Sea Academy. Through their training, you will learn the basics and advanced techniques of NLP, which will help you apply them in your personal and professional life, focusing on unleashing your power of NLP toward permanent transformation.

Unlock your full potential with NLP today!

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